Videos of The Big Mess


18 thoughts on “Videos of The Big Mess

  1. These are fabulous! Incredibly professional. What a great showcase for what you guys do, and you were definitely sizzling that night!

  2. Holy cosmic shazam! You two are amazing good fun! I was so impressed by your vast repertoire and depth of musical integrity. Every song you played at Shea and Stu’s wedding was a hit. Marty, your trumpet playing is thrilling, and Kyle you are an exceptional vocalist. Blown away. I want to be your roadie. Your groupie!

  3. You guys are an amazing force!

    “According to French social anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss, the artist ‘shapes the beautiful and useful out of the dump heap of human life’. Lévi-Strauss compared this artistic process to the work of a handyman who solves technical or mechanical problems with whatever materials are available. He referred to that process of making do as bricolage, a term derived from the French verb bricoler (meaning ‘to putter about’) and related to bricoleur, the French name for a jack-of-all-trades.”

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